
Getting The Deal Through: Automotive 2020


The drive towards the future of mobility and COVID-19 have made the fourth publication of Getting the Deal Through - Automotive a special edition. It not only explores the particularities of the highly regulated automotive industry, but also touches on how COVID-19 has affected the industry on a global scale and the associated complexity in legal challenges.

Last year, the automotive industry was focused on technological disruption. The most immediate questions were these: Are you still in the driver’s seat? Are autonomous vehicles really going to happen? When will electric vehicles achieve acceptance by consumers? Is the industry really changing?

For 2020, most would say COVID-19 is in the driver’s seat. The virus has led governments to close factories, sales floors and repair shops. Demand for vehicles is expected to plummet as consumers’ economic fortunes are battered, and many are not commuting as much or able to engage in recreational activities.

More than 80 lawyers from Hogan Lovells and several best-friend law firms contributed to this cross-practice piece of work covering 19 different countries. Each country chapter covers the following topic areas:

•    Commercial Operations
•    Product Safety and Liability
•    Disputes
•    Employment Issues
•    New Technologies and Mobility
•    Update and Trends

If you wish to receive the 2017, 2018 or 2019 editions please contact us here.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Automotive 2020 (published in June 2020; contributing editors: Patrick Ayad and Lance Bultena, Hogan Lovells). For further information please click here.


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