Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
William L. Monts, III
Partner Global Regulatory
Whether they be class actions, government suits, or individual claims, Tripp has handled virtually every kind of antitrust dispute – price fixing, market allocation, boycott, tying, price discrimination, and monopolization – for major international companies and domestic clients and associations in industries as diverse as automobiles, energy, health care, software, insurance, and the professions. He views his job as learning a client's business quickly and figuring out how to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently to meet the client's business aims.
An athlete whose schoolyard ambitions outstripped his talent, Tripp has also found that games and the law do mix. He has been privileged to advise numerous clients on the sports field on a host of antitrust and commercial issues, ranging from the design of athletic contests to telecasting arrangements to athlete eligibility to relations with governing bodies and other similar issues.
Tripp also has a keen interest in foreign affairs and has been fortunate enough to represent sovereign clients in a host of cases under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, and analyzed an array of legislative proposals that would alter the provisions of that statute. The issues he has litigated have spanned a broad gamut from property expropriations to trademark issues, ordinary commercial contracts, and garden-variety torts involving sovereign states.