Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
Pharma: Launch of Shortages Monitoring Platform, several Changes re Clinical Trial Management in EU Countries;
Devices: Resolution on the need to revise the MDR and IVDR published;
Compliance: CSRD still not implemented in Germany, but approved in Spain;
Competition: Teresa Ribera new Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition;
Intersection of Life Science and Privacy: EMA's reflection paper on integrating AI across the medicine lifecycle; EDPB issued opinion on using personal data in AI development and deployment, Cyber Resilience Act entered into force.
The Q1 and Q3 Life Science and Health Care Law Update covers key trends in the EU only while the other reports (on Q2 and Q4) cover key trends in the EU as well as in the Big Five (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) in life sciences regulatory, corporate, compliance, competition, and privacy law. To dive deeper into the latest trends, contact Joerg Schickert to subscribe to a more detailed quarterly report.
On 1 December, Teresa Ribera started in her role as Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition. In addition to handling the EU’s sustainability efforts and delivering on the EU Green Deal, Ribera is also responsible for the competition portfolio. Amongst the areas that she will focus on are developing a new EU State aid framework (with a focus on energy and clean tech), reviewing the merger control guidelines (in particular with regard to dealing with so-called “killer acquisitions”), strengthening and speeding up competition enforcement, and continued enforcement of the Digital Markets Act. Her appointment comes amidst the renewed focus of the European Commission to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in the face of climate change, artificial intelligence and geopolitical tensions.
Authored by Joerg Schickert, Caroline Schmalenbach, Fabian Roy, Thomas Weber, May Lyn Yuen, Lutz Angerer, Steffen Schuppert, Danette Antao, Tom Brassington, Jane Summerfield, Alex Dolmans, Eduardo Perez, Jean-Marc Franceschi, Louis-Nicolas Ricard, Alvaro Abad, Giuseppe Aminzade.