Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
Area of focus
Access to overseas markets is essential for multinational and farmers. And rules-based trade among nations benefits both companies and consumers. Everyone has a stake in opening markets and strong multilateral trade rules.
We help multinational, investors, farm groups, and governments in WTO disputes and negotiations, FTA ...
Advised on high-profile challenge to WTO-inconsistent foreign barriers, leading to major win for client.
Secured language in China’s WTO accession protocol regarding discriminatory pharmaceutical price controls and in Taiwan’s protocol regarding data protection for innovative drugs.
Advised Province of Ontario during successful Canadian challenges to U.S. countervailing duties on softwood lumber.
Advised Thyssen-Krupp Mexico during successful WTO challenge to U.S. “zeroing.”
Handle WTO appeals of the U.S. Supercalendared Paper case for the Government of Ontario.
Provide guidance to food trade associations and producers on the successful WTO challenge by Canada and Mexico to U.S. country-of-origin labeling requirements.
Advised pharmaceutical, infant nutrition, and auto clients regarding foreign barriers that violate WTO rules and worked with USTR to achieve solutions to address industry concerns.
Worked with governments and U.S. industries to show that U.S. and foreign barriers to telecommunication and financial services violate GATS and to secure negotiated solutions.
Worked with Vulcan Materials to successfully strip protectionist AD/CVD language from Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
Advised Business Coalition for U.S.-China Trade during congressional votes to approve PNTR and ensure U.S. companies benefited from China’s WTO accession commitments.