Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
Open Banking Limited (OBL) has published two data collection frameworks for approval by the Joint Regulatory Oversight Committee (JROC), one for API availability and performance (under the theme ‘Levelling up availability and performance’) and one on financial crime (under the theme ‘Mitigating the risks of financial crime’). These publications constitute the first two deliverables under the four key themes that OBL was asked to consider by the JROC in its recommendations for the next phase of Open Banking in the UK, published in April 2023.
For more on the JROC’s April 2023 recommendations – including the other two key themes that OBL has been asked to lead and coordinate on - take a look at this Engage article: ‘Open Banking: JROC recommendations on next phase aim to keep UK ahead of the pack’.
The Appendix to the API Framework sets out the expected delivery timelines for both OBL/JROC activity and participant (ASPSP and TPP) activity in accordance with the four-phased approach to the delivery of the required data metrics. According to the Framework:
‘Phase 0’ - As the OBL had to send its analysis to the FCA and PSR by the end of Q3 2023 this phase is reliant on existing data under REP020 submissions / quarterly reporting of daily statistics from all ASPSPs alongside the CMA9 MI provided to OBL under the CMA Order, and any MI produced by TPPs internally that they were willing to share..
Phase 1, the minimum requirement framework (using the templates published alongside the Framework), has an implementation date of
January 2024.
Phase 2 submissions, requiring additional detail (again using the published templates), has an implementation date of H1 2024.
The implementation date for Phase 3, which will involve adding success outcomes, TPP metrics and data requirements arising from other workstreams, has yet to be agreed.
Feedback from 10 ASPSPs, accounting for over 85% of Faster Payments Scheme payments, indicates that they are likely to provide the required data under the Financial Crime Framework from the start of Q4 2023. This would enable OBL to produce an initial report by the end of 2023/January 2024. OBL also states that most firms indicate that they will be able to provide historical data for the 18-month period to end June 2023, which will enhance the ability to see trend data from the outset.
Once the Financial Crime Framework is approved by JROC, OBL intends to discuss residual issues such as final reporting definitions, reporting mechanisms, data sharing agreements (which may replicate agreements in place for other data collection initiatives) and timelines for data provision bilaterally and collectively with the relevant firms. This will enable OBL to finalise first indications of when data will be available. OBL (or the Future Entity) will continue to convene additional workshops with firms to ensure collective understanding of what is requested and provide useful FAQs to ensure data is produced in a standardised way.
The submissions received under the Frameworks will be shared with the PSR and the FCA as JROC co-chairs. The findings will support the JROC’s policy thinking, including any potential changes to reporting requirements and, if necessary, further consultations.
If you would like to discuss this development or anything else related to the JROC’s recommendations for the next phase of UK Open Banking, please get in touch with one of the people listed above or your usual Hogan Lovells contact.
Authored by Julie Patient, Virginia Montgomery.