
The Influencers Podcast: Behind the AI Act

Digital Transformation Podcast Series


In this episode of The Influencers, Kai Zenner (Digital Policy Adviser, European Parliament) and Hogan Lovells host Leo von Gerlach discuss behind-the-scenes insights and repercussions of the new EU AI Act.

About Kai Zenner: Kai is the Head of Office and Digital Policy Adviser for MEP Axel Voss at the European Parliament, as well as a member of the OECD's Network of Experts (One AI) and Member of the United Nations' Expert Group that advises the Secretary-General's 'High-Level Advisory Body on AI'. Kai has also been named as one of the “top influencers who are most effectively setting the agenda in politics, public policy and advocacy in Brussels". Learn more at

Behind the AI Act | Kai Zenner, Digital Policy Adviser, European Parliament

In this insightful episode, Kai Zenner, Digital Policy Adviser for the European Parliament, and Hogan Lovells host Leo von Gerlach go behind the scenes of the new European AI Act and its far-reaching impacts. They explore the legislative process, outcomes, and repercussions for individual businesses as well as the economy at large. Additionally, Kai and Leo highlight the standout provisions of the AI Act, including those that address applications soon to be prohibited and cover high-risk applications, the distinction between high-risk systems and general-purpose AI, and the tools provided by the EU to ease compliance.

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Authored by Christina Wu.

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