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The first two instalments of the EU’s much anticipated omnibus packages of simplification were published on 26 February. The Commission proposes amendments to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), the EU Taxonomy and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), including a postponement of the application of the CSRD and CS3D. The proposals will need to be adopted by the Council and the Parliament before they can be made law. In Rome, COP16 negotiations resumed from 25-27 February. And in the UK, we also bring you a number of updates, including from the Financial Reporting Council and Financial Conduct Authority.
This month more detail has been confirmed about how Europe will position itself to be more competitive and more prosperous.
On 11 February 2025, the Commission published the Commission Work Programme 2025 setting out the Commission’s key strategies, action plans and legislative initiatives for 2025. The Work Programme is accompanied by an Annex which lists the policy objectives and new initiatives for 2025.
It mentions, of course, the first omnibus package on sustainability. But also confirms that the revision of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, including the impact assessment, has been delayed until Q4 2025.
On 12 February 2025, the Commission published “A simpler and faster Europe: Communication on implementation and simplification” setting out how it intends to “make Europe an even more desirable place to live, work and invest.” It describes how its simplification proposals will be fast-tracked, without reopening other parts of the legislation, to provide maximum and swift clarity and relief to companies.
The EU will achieve this by reducing unnecessary bureaucracy (including administrative burden), improving how new EU rules are made (including better impact assessments) and improving how rules are implemented (including cooperating with stakeholders and providing swift and resolute enforcement action).
The communication outlines five of its omnibus proposals for 2025. We consider the omnibus package on sustainability in greater detail below.
On 26 February 2025, the Commission published proposals to amend the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D), the EU Taxonomy and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
The first package of amendments proposes a postponement of the application of the CSRD and CS3D to 2028 to ensure that there is time for the Council and Parliament to consider the changes – it is uncertain how the Parliament and the Council will receive the Commission's proposals. But the Commission has asked co-legislators to treat these proposal as a priority, especially in relation to the postponement of the application of the CSRD and the CS3D.
In brief, the proposed amendments to the CSRD include: (1) raising the thresholds for the CSRD to more closely align with the CS3D; (2) limiting the application of the EU Taxonomy; and (3) addressing the burden on SMEs by limiting value chain reporting.
For the CS3D, the proposed amendments would make the due diligence process less burdensome by limiting to direct suppliers rather than business partners, and also seeking to make the penalty regime more proportionate.
At this stage, these changes are proposals and any new legislation would need to be adopted by the Council and the Parliament. This will take time and it is likely that there will be many negotiations and that changes will be made – the original files took in excess of two years to agree and were heavily negotiated. Read more here for more detailed insights on the proposals and next steps.
On 26 February 2025, the Commission proposed amendments to the Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act, the Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act and the Taxonomy Environmental Delegated Act using a delegated regulation which is subject to a four-week feedback process which closes on 26 March 2025.
The proposed amendments include:
A couple of weeks before the Commission proposed changes to the EU Taxonomy, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance published a report setting out evidence‑based recommendations to simplify taxonomy reporting and enhance its effectiveness on 5 February 2025.
The report identifies several areas for improvement including simplification, data access and regulatory coherence. The report proposes five simplifications for taxonomy reporting and it can be seen that the Commission’s proposed changes under the omnibus package address some of these:
On 24 February 2025, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on the data availability and feasibility of common methodology for ESG exposures.
In the report, the EBA finds that whilst there have been improvements over recent years, the data landscape remains incomplete particularly in relation to the availability and accessibility of data. It noted that key policy initiatives, including the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards, are expected to improve this landscape and mitigate challenges (this was published prior to any suggested amendments to CSRD).
The EBA noted some degree of standardisation in methodologies for mortgage exposures and found that methodologies were most mature in the assessment of transition risk in corporates portfolios, where companies used sectoral classification, greenhouse gas emissions and transition plans of counterparties as the key sources of information.
Following the release of draft guidance in June 2024 and a six-month consultation process with knowledge partners and market participants, on 23 January 2025, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) released final sector guidance for the following four sectors:
TNFD has now provided guidance for thirteen sectors. The additional guidance should be read in conjunction with the ‘TNFD’s Guidance on assessment of nature-related issues – LEAP approach’.
TNFD has also released draft guidance for consultation covering an additional three sectors:
Late into the night on 27 February 2025, agreements were reached on the outstanding points from COP16. Parties met in Rome for “COP16 resumed session” to progress the negotiations before COP17 in Armenia.
Agreements were reached on:
Read more here for our briefing on COP16 in November 2024.
On 5 February 2025, Financial Reporting Council (FRC) published “Assurance of Sustainability Reporting Market Study: Final Report” setting out findings from its market study into the assurance of sustainability reporting.
The final report builds upon the FRC’s emerging findings published in October. The report draws on evidence from a range of stakeholders, companies, audit and non-audit firm providers of sustainability assurance, investors and other institutions.
The FRC recommended that the UK establish a clear policy framework for sustainability assurance to create certainty for assurance providers to support investment and provide clarity on alignment with other international frameworks. They recommended the creation of a unified regulatory regime consolidating standard setting, oversight, enforcement and market monitoring and that the quality of available information on sustainability assurance be improved.
On 12 February 2025, the UK government opened a consultation on extending the UK Emissions Trading Scheme beyond 2030 (beyond end of Phase I).
The consultation seeks views on extending the UK ETS past 1 January 2031, the length of a post-2030 Phase II and whether to allow banking of emissions allowances (UKAs) between Phase I and a post-2030 Phase II of the Scheme.
The consultation closes on 9 April 2025.
On 14 February 2025, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced that the Policy Statement for the SDR regime to Portfolio Management (CP24/8) will no longer be published in Q2 2025. The FCA will provide further information in due course.
On 26 February 2025, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a portfolio letter outlining its supervisory strategy for asset management and alternatives sector. It highlighted Targeted work – Sustainable Finance as one of its current supervisory priorities.
The FCA intends to engage with firms with sustainability-related products, to best understand how different firms are implementing the labelling, naming, and marketing rules under the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and Investment Labels regime. The FCA aims to identify any gaps and work on making improvements.
Our global Sustainable Finance & Investment group brings together a multidisciplinary global team that provides clients with best-in-market support. We are following developments relating to the ESG regulation, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss.
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This note is intended to be a general guide to the latest ESG developments. It does not constitute legal advice.
Authored by Rita Hunter, Emily Julier and Jessica Dhodakia.