
COVID-19: Measures taken by financial supervisory authorities in certain jurisdictions as at 30 April 2021


The current situation is fast-moving in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many financial supervisory and regulatory authorities as well as local governments have issued measures which are relevant for financial institutions and have an impact on a number of areas, such as capital relief, contingency preparedness, monetary policy, funding and liquidity and short selling.

Our table aims at tracking information on the main measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic which have been taken by financial supervisory and regulatory authorities as well as local governments which are related to the financial sector or funding activities as at 30 April 2021 in the EU and certain of its Member States, the UK and the US.  [Note this is an updated version of the table, originally published on this site on 3 April 2020]

Download the full publication here.


Authored by: 

Germany: Jochen Seitz, Tim Brandi, Richard Reimer, Markus Brusch

France: Vincent Fidelle, Sharon Lewis

Italy: Annalisa Feliciani, Federico del Monte, Corrado Fiscale, Jeffrey Greenbaum

The Netherlands: Robert Masman, Yvette Voermans

UK: Michael Thomas, Jonathan Chertkow, Dominic Hill, Virginia Montgomery, Yvonne Clapham

US: Evan Koster, Meredith Hines, Philip Schuster, Caylyn Perry



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