Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
David A. Perlson
Partner Intellectual Property
Mr. Perlson has substantial experience representing companies in a wide range of industries, including Internet, digital media, life sciences, gaming, financial services, and other technology fields—specifically litigation in connection with smartphones and other mobile devices.
Successfully represented Waymo LLC in a competitor trade secret misappropriation case granting Waymo an equity stake in the competitor’s business as well as injunctive relief. *
Secured US$333.8M for Complete Genomics in a patent case against Illumina in Delaware. Jury found Illumina infringed CGI's patents and invalidated Illumina's patents regarding gene sequencing. *
Represented RealNetworks in a patent case where the Court granted summary judgment of invalidity, one of the first decisions applying the Supreme Court's KSR v. Teleflex ruling. *
Represented Bally Technologies in a case with Shuffle Master and International Gaming Technology relating to casino table game patents. Secured summary judgment of non-infringement and obviousness.*
Represented AOL, Nullsoft, and Time Warner in a class action alleging contributory copyright infringement through file share technology. Obtained a summary judgment ruling of non-infringement. *
*Matter handled prior to joining Hogan Lovells.