Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
Acting for Uber in successful judicial review challenges to extensive changes to private hire regulation introduced by Transport for London.
Persuading the European Commission that its application of aspects of the Single European Sky regime was unlawful.
Advising The Crown Estate on its statutory functions and powers in relation to the commercial management of Crown land.
Advising Ofgem on the design, consultation on and implementation of various regulatory and environmental incentive programmes.
Advising a leading life sciences company on the lawfulness of a commissioning prioritisation decision by NHS England.
Advising HM Government on the public law aspects of the sale or securitisation of the students loans portfolio.
Advising on potential legal challenges against NHS bodies for commissioning health care products and services outside the standard statutory regimes.
Advising an industry association on public law and fair process obligations in relation to its disciplinary and enforcement processes.
Advising the Pension Protection Fund in relation to the approval of Regulated Apportionment Arrangements for pension schemes.
Advising on governmental clearances for the acquisition by a Chinese business of a UK manufacturer of security-related products.
Advising on vires issues in relation to financial transactions entered into by local authorities.
Acting for international oil drilling companies in a challenge before UK and EU Courts to tax measures that significantly changed their tax position.
Advising a major PFI contractor on applicability of public law to the exercise of contractual rights by a public authority in the context of change of control provision.
Advising a number of regulated businesses on possible public consultation obligations relating to policy changes.
Advising on the application of the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations, particularly to commercial bodies and information.
Advising on the application by DECC and the Environment Agency of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive to multi-fuel firing combustion plants.
Advising a financial institution on the Financial Ombudsman's exercise of its discretion to make a successor company the respondent to an existing complaint.