Trump Administration Executive Order (EO) Tracker
Advising a major financial institution on judicial review and Part 8 proceedings relating to the regulatory treatment of with-profits funds.
Acting for Uber in successful challenges to extensive changes to private hire regulation introduced by Transport for London, including obtaining urgent interim relief.
Acting for NATS in successfully resisting a judicial review claim relating to the use of UK airspace.
Advising manufacturer of life-saving drug for an ultra-rare disease on a judicial review and engagement strategy that secured UK patient access to treatment.
Acting for Ofgem in successfully defending several challenges to its decisions, in the Administrative Court and before the Competition and Markets Authority.
Acting for a number of North Sea oil drilling contractors in an EU law-based judicial review challenge primary tax legislation.
Acting in Supreme Court proceedings regarding a decision by HM Revenue and Custom to change its policy on certain tax reliefs retrospectively.
Acting for the Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner in relation to a judicial review challenge brought by remote betting operators to new UK primary legislation.
Advising a substantial defined-benefit pensions scheme on potential judicial review proceedings regarding changes to regulatory treatment of Crown guarantees.
Acting for a mobile network operation in complex, parallel judicial review and CAT proceedings relating to the auction of next-generation radio spectrum.
Acting for Electricity North West in judicial review proceedings brought by a competitor against Ofgem.
Acting in high-profile proceedings in the Commercial Court to establish who had governmental authority of the Libyan Investment Authority following Gaddafi’s overthrow.
Acting for British Casino Association in a judicial review challenge to the introduction of super-casinos in the UK.
Acting for the UK Petroleum Industry Association in judicial review proceedings, and a reference to the CJEU, relating to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Scheme.
Advising the Government of Iceland on potential legal challenges in the UK, European, and international courts to the UK authorities' response to the global financial crisis.
Advising on engagement with, and a potential challenge to, the Financial Services Compensation Scheme regarding the imposition of levies on industry participants.
Advising a number of complex organizations on their amenability to judicial review.
Acting in judicial review challenge to HMT's valuation scheme for Northern Rock shares following nationalization.