Andrew Carey
Senior Counsel Corporate & Finance
Insights and events
With a focus on corporate and sovereign debt securities offerings, Andrew's career is rooted in a broad corporate finance 'City' practice spanning equity and debt; secured and unsecured; public and private; structured and plain vanilla. He brings this vast experience to bear in helping clients get the deal they want – complex and difficult when needs be; simple and straightforward when possible. He has worked on financings by issuers across a wide spectrum of credit quality, geography and sector. He has a leading role in our debt capital markets practice in emerging markets and has worked on transactions in EMEA and Asia.
Representative experience
Advising a UK government organisation in respect of corporate user guides relating to the legal structure of and key issues arising from social and development impact bonds.
Advising UBS Optimus Foundation (UBSOF) on structuring its second Education Development Impact Bond (DIB) in India and preparing the key DIB documents.
Advising FMS Wertmanagement on a proposed tender offer and consent solicitation for Tier 1 Preferred Securities guaranteed by DEPFA Bank plc.
Advising a major multilateral financial institution on an up-to US$200m Tier 1 bridge financing.
Advising the Government of Canada in relation to the establishment of its London-listed US$10bn EMTN Programme.
Advising FCE Bank plc as issuer on annual updates to and issues under its U.S.$12bn Luxembourg–listed MTN programme.
Advising Citi as trustee and/or agents on post-issuance events involving emerging markets creditors in several countries including India, Russia and South Africa.
Advising Citi as trustee and agent on securitisation transactions across multiple asset classes including auto loans, equipment leases, mortgages and consumer loans.
Advising African Export-Import Bank as issuer on establishing its US$1.5bn Luxembourg-listed, euro MTN programme, the initial US$300m issue thereunder and annual updates thereto.
- M.A., University of Dundee